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Amsterdam Revisited

Updated: Jan 20

Visiting Amsterdam this time around will be a totally different experience than my first visit. At 19, I wasn’t there to appreciate the culture and landmarks.  We are exploring in a completely different way now that I’m 51.  I'm looking forward to exploring the city and discovering the sights and sounds I may have missed the first time around. I'm sure to come away with a newfound appreciation for the city and all it has to offer.

32 years ago we were 19 and decided to go to Amsterdam. We were stationed in Germany.  We were so excited for the adventure that lay ahead of us! We packed our bags, hopped in the car, and set off on the long drive.

The trip was full of excitement and anticipation as we drove through the night. We laughed and joked, and eventually, we made it to Amsterdam. We were ready to explore the city and enjoy all that it had to offer.

The guys wanted to go to the red light district, but the girls had no interest in it. We were all quite drunk, and I remember the prostitutes in the windows flipping us off and laughing at our guy friends who were completely mesmerized by the sights. It was ridiculous and a waste of time, but we still had a good laugh at the absurdity of the situation. We all eventually moved on and continued our night, but the memory of that moment still sticks with us.

It was such a great night!  It was definitely one for the books! We partied like crazy, going all over the place and having a blast. We danced and laughed until we were practically drenched in sweat, and by the end of the night we had more energy than when we started. We kept going until we practically passed out from exhaustion.

But then, reality set in. We had spent all of our money on booze and partying, and we had no money left for accommodation. We ended up sleeping in the car that night, the four of us huddled together for warmth. The following day, we were so hungry but all we had was a half a pack of saltines.  We gave those to the guys because they were the drivers.

The journey home was just as long and tiring as the one there. We were all exhausted and starving, so when we finally made it home to Karlsruhe, we all devoured pizza in complete silence.

The memories of that trip still make me laugh. Amsterdam was one of the craziest and most memorable trips I've ever been on, and I wish I had pictures to remember it by. But even without those, I will always remember that wild and unforgettable journey.

I'm filled with joy as I think about my time spent in Amsterdam and the fond memories I have. I can't wait to share the experience with my husband and create more wonderful memories together. Amsterdam is a beautiful and vibrant city, full of fascinating sights and experiences. I can't wait to explore its streets and waterways with the person I love the most. The anticipation of the journey is almost as exciting as the journey itself.

What fuels me is the opportunity to share my journey and connect with others through my blog, Brain Aneurysms Hurt. Writing about my experiences as a survivor and providing support to others going through similar challenges is my passion. It gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment to know that my words can make a positive impact on someone's life. With each passing day, my blog gains more readers and I am motivated to continue creating authentic and relatable content. My ultimate goal is to build a strong support system for those affected by brain aneurysms, and I am determined to make a difference in their lives. I invite you to explore my site and join me on this journey of inspiration and empowerment. Let's discover together what fuels our souls and ignites our passions.

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