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Exploring Europe - On Our Way!

I have found that the best way to cope with the emotional pain of a brain aneurism is to seize the moment and never put off doing something that you want to do. This has been my approach for the past few years and I can confidently say that it has made a huge difference in my life. It has enabled me to take on new challenges and experience life in a way that I never thought possible. It is a reminder that life is precious and should be lived to the fullest. By never putting off something that you want to do, you can ensure that you make the most out of the time that you have.

Finally, we are on the plane headed overseas. After almost a year of waiting, my husband and I are finally taking our much-anticipated trip to Europe. This is his first time, and I’m excited to share with him all the stories of my time serving in the Army in Germany. It has been 29 years since I left the continent, and I am eager to take in all the sights and sounds of England, Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands.  It’s time we live our own story.

Although the prospect of revisiting my old stomping grounds is exciting, I also feel a sense of sadness.   I think of the friends I have lost. So unfair.  We were young.  I had made so many memories with them.  We were soldiers.  I’d rather focus on and remember the days of partying.  We were all just 19 years old.  I remember weekends spent in bars were always so fun. My friends and I, all young and proud soldiers stationed in a college town, felt a sense of invincibility.

We would often take impromptu trips to explore unknown places, living in the moment without a care in the world. It was amusing to see how the locals, most of whom were around the same age as us, lacked the confidence we had. I even went on a couple of dates with a college guy, but found him to be too insecure and so I quickly lost interest. Although we all had a good time, it was clear that they weren't soldiers like us.

It’s not what I want but I can't help but think of all the moments, memories, and experiences that I have lost since suffering from the ruptured brain aneurysm. It's hard to imagine the life I would be living now had I not gone through this trauma. It has been a long and difficult journey, but I am determined to remain positive and to make the most of what I have now.

Healing from pain can be a difficult process, especially when it feels like it will never go away. The key to recovery is to focus on the good memories and to keep in mind that the pain will eventually start to fade. It is important to understand that pain is a natural part of life, and that by accepting it and understanding it, we can start to heal and move forward. We must remember that although pain is inevitable, it does not mean that we have to live in it forever. By learning to accept the pain and finding a way to cope with it, we can start to heal and move on with our lives.

I remember the promise I made to myself after my brain aneurysm, that I will no longer hold back in life. This trip to Europe will be a reminder of that. I will take it all in and enjoy every moment.  I am finally returning to Europe and I can’t wait.

I am so thrilled to be able to return to Europe with my husband for the first time. We are both looking forward to creating new experiences and forming lasting memories from our travels. I am sure that this trip will be full of  memorable times of our lives, and I cannot wait to explore all the amazing sights, sounds, and cultures that Europe has to offer. It will be an adventure!

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