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My Journey Of Self-Discovery After A Ruptured Brain Aneurysm

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

Before my ruptured brain aneurysm, my focus hadn't been on my looks. I was a woman in my mid 40s, living my life to the fullest, working hard, and enjoying every bit of it. But, after the life-altering event, I started to realize the true value of looks, especially when you lose something like hair that you had taken for granted all your life.

The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming when I saw my scarred head during my recovery period.   The stitches marks still shown.  It was a discouraging sight, and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone would view me the same way again. But, my journey of self-discovery after the ruptured brain aneurysm taught me some significant life lessons that changed my perspective towards looks.

The first thing I learned after the brain aneurysm was that looks do matter.  It might sound trivial or unimportant, but the truth is that your physical appearance holds a significant impact on your psyche. When I saw my hair gone and my head scarred, it impacted me deeply. It felt as if my identity had been taken from me, and all that was left was a constant reminder of my traumatic experience.  It might seem shallow or vain, but it is an undeniable fact that looks play a big role in how we feel about ourselves.

The second thing I learned after the brain aneurysm was that looks are not the most important thing in life. The experience of a life-altering trauma changed my life and helped me realize what is truly important. I started focusing on things that I had taken for granted - like my health, my family, my friends, and my life goals. I began to view myself differently, and my perception of beauty changed. I started valuing the things that mattered most, and my appreciation for life deepened.

The third thing I learned after the brain aneurysm was that society's standards of beauty are flawed. As I evolved through my journey of self-love and self-discovery, I realized that beauty is subjective. It is not about having perfect skin or long hair; it is about feeling good about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, and your abilities. While society often highlights physical attributes like beauty, we should all embrace our unique qualities and imperfections as a part of the beauty of being human.

The fourth and most important thing I learned after the brain aneurysm was that self-love is the key to happiness. I realized that true beauty comes from within, and the more I accepted myself, the happier I became. I practiced self-care, took care of my mental and physical health, and participated in activities that brought me joy. I started feeling confident in my own skin, and my hair or head scars no longer mattered. I found happiness in being who I am, and that is the most beautiful thing ever.

My journey of self-discovery after the ruptured brain aneurysm was an emotional one that taught me some powerful insights. I learned that looks do matter but are not the most important thing in life. I realized that society's standards of beauty are flawed and that true beauty comes from within. Most importantly, I discovered that self-love is the key to happiness, and that the more I love and accept myself, the happier I feel. Therefore, it's important to be kind to ourselves, take care of our mental and physical health, and embrace our unique qualities and imperfections. Let us all learn to love ourselves and shine in our own beauty.

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