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Surviving The Storm: What Exactly Is A Ruptured Brain Aneurysm?

Updated: Jan 20

As bad as it was, still is sometimes, I learned something about myself.  I learned that I could go through hell and still survive.  It takes time to heal from a ruptured brain aneurysm.  Stressing over the future didn't get me anywhere.  I started taking life one minute at a time.  Then hour by by day...I slowly began understanding who I had become.   

My brain aneurysm burst March 16, 2018.  I didn't know anyone this ever happened to at that time.  Actually, I never even heard of a brain aneurysm.  I remember the day I was told that brain aneurysms are rare and that I most likely would never meet another survivor. I was lost and scared, feeling like I was the only one in the world dealing with this terrifying condition.

But then, something changed. I stumbled upon a brain aneurysm survivors group on Facebook and suddenly, I didn't feel alone anymore. was a relief to connect with others who understood exactly what I was going through. I found comfort in sharing my experiences with others and learning from their journeys as well.  It was a reminder that I was not alone and that there is a community of strong, resilient survivors out there. Finding this group was a turning point for me and gave me hope for the future.

But what is a brain brain aneurysm?  A brain aneurysm is a serious medical condition that occurs when a weak or thin spot on a blood vessel in the brain bulges and fills with blood. This bulge can put pressure on the surrounding brain tissue and can potentially rupture, causing a hemorrhage. Brain aneurysms can occur in anyone, but they are more commonly found in individuals over the age of 40 and those with a family history of the condition. While some brain aneurysms may not cause any symptoms and may never rupture or cause any issues at all.  But ruptured ones can cause severe headaches, vision changes, and neurological deficits.  A ruptured brain aneurysm can lead to serious complications and even death. Treatment for a brain aneurysm typically involves surgery to prevent death and further damage to the brain.

Though it is typically seen in older individuals, a ruptured brain aneurysm can also occur in infants, children, and young people. This condition, which involves a weak spot in a blood vessel in the brain, can be present from birth or develop later in life. While the exact causes of brain aneurysms are not fully understood, risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, and a family history of the condition can increase the likelihood of developing one. It is important for individuals of all ages to be aware of the signs and symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm and seek immediate medical attention if they experience them. Early detection and treatment can greatly improve the chances of a successful recovery.

A rupturing brain aneurysm is a serious medical emergency that occurs when a weak spot on a blood vessel in the brain bursts, causing bleeding into the surrounding tissues. The signs of a rupturing brain aneurysm may include a sudden and severe headache, often described as the "worst headache of your life," along with neck stiffness, nausea, and vomiting. Other signs may include blurred or double vision, difficulty speaking, confusion, and loss of consciousness. In some cases, a person may experience seizures or weakness or numbness on one side of the body. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, as a rupturing brain aneurysm is life-threatening.

A ruptured brain aneurysm can have significant impacts on a person's deficits and disabilities. The sudden and severe bleeding in the brain can cause damage to brain cells, leading to deficits in various areas such as motor skills, speech and language, memory, and cognitive functioning. Physical disabilities such as paralysis, weakness, and coordination difficulties may also occur.  Individuals may experience emotional and behavioral changes, such as depression, anxiety, personality changes, and difficulty regulating emotions. These deficits and disabilities can have a profound impact on a person's daily life, making it challenging to perform everyday tasks and maintain independence. Rehabilitation and support from healthcare professionals can help individuals with a ruptured brain aneurysm cope with these challenges and improve their quality of life.

After experiencing a ruptured brain aneurysm, I felt lost and overwhelmed. I was unsure of how to move forward and cope with the physical and emotional challenges that came with the aftermath. However, I found solace in online support groups with other survivors. These groups provided a sense of community and understanding that I couldn't find elsewhere. Through sharing our experiences and supporting each other, I was able to gain valuable insight and guidance on how to navigate this new chapter in my life. The support and encouragement from my fellow survivors helped me go in the right direction and gave me the strength to push through the difficulties and continue on my journey towards recovery.

If you have experienced an aneurysm, you may find yourself in need of support and understanding from others who have gone through a similar experience. That's why I want to extend an invitation for you to join this group. We are a community of individuals who have all been affected by aneurysms and are here to offer each other support and friendship. In addition, I would be more than happy to share with you some online groups that I have personally found helpful in my own journey. Please feel free to share any ideas or resources you may have as well. Together, we can provide a safe and welcoming space for those who are navigating life after an aneurysm. Thank you.

The "Brain Aneurysm/AVM Community Together Survivor Support Association" is a thriving private Facebook group dedicated to providing support, resources, and community awareness for survivors of brain aneurysms and AVMs. With a strong and active membership of survivors, caregivers, and medical professionals, this group serves as a safe and inclusive space for individuals to share their experiences, seek advice, and offer support to one another.

The "Brain Aneurysm Survivors & Families Support Community" is a wonderful private group on Facebook that provides a safe and supportive space for individuals who have experienced or are currently dealing with brain aneurysms. It is also a valuable resource for those who have lost a loved one due to this condition. The community offers a sense of understanding and empathy, as members share their own experiences, offer advice, and provide emotional support to one another. It serves as a reminder that no one is alone in their journey and that there is always a community ready to offer comfort and guidance. The group is a testament to the power of connection and the importance of having a support system during difficult times.

What fuels me is the opportunity to share my journey and connect with others through my blog, Brain Aneurysms Hurt. Writing about my experiences as a survivor and providing support to others going through similar challenges is my passion. It gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment to know that my words can make a positive impact on someone's life. With each passing day, my blog gains more readers and I am motivated to continue creating authentic and relatable content. My ultimate goal is to build a strong support system for those affected by brain aneurysms, and I am determined to make a difference in their lives. I invite you to explore my site and join me on this journey of inspiration and empowerment. Let's discover together what fuels our souls and ignites our passions.

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