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Constantly Reassessing My Goals After The Brain Aneurysm.

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

The journey towards getting your life together after a ruptured brain aneurysm is not a simple one. It requires constant reassessment and adjustment of your path forward. As I navigate through setbacks and obstacles, I have come to realize the importance of regularly taking a step back and evaluating my progress.

The first step I took was to define my goals. I sat down and thought about what I wanted to achieve in the short-term and the long-term. This helped me identify the necessary steps I needed to take to reach my goals.

I also made it a priority to track my progress. By keeping a record of my achievements, I was able to pinpoint where I needed to make adjustments. This allowed me to pivot my approach and make positive changes.

I learned to stay open to feedback from others. Whether it was from a mentor, coach, or friend, I was open to hearing their insights and suggestions. This helped me gain a fresh perspective and make necessary changes.

Flexibility has been crucial in my journey. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can throw our plans off track. By embracing flexibility, I have been able to adapt and adjust my path as needed.

It's essential to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This has been a great motivator for me to keep pushing forward. It reminded me that I am making progress and moving towards my goals.

Constantly reassessing and adjusting my path forward has been a crucial part of my journey towards getting my life together after a ruptured brain aneurysm. It has helped me stay focused and determined, even in the face of challenges. I have learned to stay flexible, embrace feedback, and celebrate my successes. These tips have been invaluable in helping me navigate through this journey and continue to make progress towards my goals.

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