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How my life has changed since the aneurysm rupture.

I lost my boyfriend and many friends.

Life after the ruptured brain aneurysm has changed significantly for me. I have lost my boyfriend and many friends during my recovery process. Some of them just drifted away, some found out about the situation and felt helpless, so they chose to ignore me. After the aneurysm, I also had to leave my job and put my career on pause.

At first, this was difficult for me, but I now look at it as an opportunity to reset and live in the moment more. I am more open to trying new things and learning more to pursue my goals.

I have also started to be more mindful of my thoughts and actions. I now take much better care of myself in terms of mental health and sleep, which were two areas I wasn’t good at before. I also focus more on self-care and give myself more “me” time to reflect and relax.

I have come to recognize and appreciate the simple things. I am more aware of the preciousness of time and how quickly it can pass. This has led me to live more intentionally and make the most of every moment.

The experience of surviving a ruptured brain aneurysm has made me a different person. I look at life differently now; I am more compassionate, understanding and thankful for the small moments.

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