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Sometimes It Helps Not To See The Bad

It was a moment that I will never forget, a moment that changed my life forever. I remember the exact day when I was rushed to the hospital after a ruptured brain aneurysm. I was in immense pain and could barely speak. The entire experience was surreal and felt like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.

When I woke up from the surgery, I had a sense of relief that I was alive. But what struck me the most was how kind everyone was towards me. Every nurse, doctor, and family member, were extra kind and attentive. It felt like the world was a much happier place, and I felt grateful for every little thing. I returned home after my recovery, and the kindness continued. I wasn't accustomed to people being this nice to me; it was almost as if they were trying to make up for lost time.

I was touched by their gestures, but it was only later that I realized that I was trying too hard to fit in. My friend would often tell me how people were laughing behind my back or making fun of me, but I was oblivious to it. It wasn't until I heard it from them that I started to pay attention. At first, it hurt that people were treating me this way, but soon, I realized that I shouldn't care about what they were saying or doing. I was simply happy to be alive and had no time for negativity.

I tried to brush off the hurtful comments and focus on the goodness in life. I realized that the world is full of many kind and beautiful people, and it was them that I should focus on. I let go of any grudges I had, and it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. What I learned from my experience is that people will come and go, but it's the kindness that you remember. It's the positive attitude and happy memories that matter the most.

It may seem impossible to escape negativity altogether, but it's not. You can choose to surround yourself with people who truly care about you and are looking out for your best interests. My advice to anyone who has experienced something similar is to cherish the little moments in life.

Smile, laugh, and don't take anything too seriously. Life is too short to worry about the opinions of others. Focus on your own happiness, and the rest will follow suit. In conclusion, my ruptured brain aneurysm changed my life drastically, but it taught me some valuable lessons. I am grateful for the kindness that I received during my recovery and have learned to appreciate the kind-hearted people in my life. Negativity will always be present, but I choose to focus on the good, to live life with a positive outlook, and to cherish every moment.

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